Thursday, August 23, 2007

Willow is a pirate?

"Let us introduce you to the crew of the sloop Providence. This is our youngest member, Willow. She is Captain J.C.'s daughter, and she is a pirate."

"Like the pirates that were on this boat for the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movie?" one of our campers asked. We have our last session of BayCamp this week, and it is based out of our Providence Bay Center. Due to a funded grant that the sloop's director put together, we were able to offer our camper's this opportunity aboard Providence at no extra charge to our campers. We were also able to take out our Americorps run camp for the Crossroads RI program this week.

"Well, that's not exactly right," the sloop's crew member John interjected. The sloop Providence, Rhode Island's state vessel, was indeed in the 2nd and 3rd installments of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies, but not as a pirateering boat. It was represented as a British sloop of war (which is actually the opposite of it's real life history- it was actually the most successful sloop in the Revolutionary war against the British) and a Turkish fishing vessel.

Pirates and movies aside, it was a great trip aboard the Providence. It was a fun and unique experience for our Save the Bay staff members, as we don't usually get to work on sails. We took the opportunity to teach about navigation, and to let the campers learn their knots, line coiling, and some sea shanties ("Heave away, Haul away!" is still in my head). The crew of the sloop was also of great help, and it was impressive to watch them bounce around the ship barefoot, all acting together like a well oiled machine.

We may not be pirates, but I think we still gave the sloop Providence a good wear today!

For more information on the sloop Providence, visit their home website at

For lyrics to "Cape Cod Girls" visit