Thursday, July 5, 2007

Tall Ships Sail 2007

Save the Bay ran boat tours over the weekend for the Tall Ships event. They were beautiful to see, and I was lucky to be among those aboard Alletta Morris for the Parade of Sails on Sunday. Even though the town of Newport technically hosted the event, I like to think that Narragansett Bay was the actual host, as the boats didn't actually get up onto town land. We usually think of the Bay as being an important environment for the animals that reside within it, but if you were among the many on the water last weekend, I think you would agree that there is more to it; people love to be on the water! There were people boating, jumping off their boats to take a little swim (myself included), fishing as they watched the sails, and many on land just relaxing near the water. The Bay is of importance to us, the quality of our lives, and to the tourism industry of Rhode Island. A healthy Bay means a healthy place for us to enjoy!

Here are some of my pictures from the extraordinary event.

To find out about other events Save the Bay is Hosting aboard one of our vessels, visit


1 comment:

One new thing every day said...

Great pix, Abby!

You're right that events like this one are important to get people outside to appreciate the beauty of our Bay.

I was sailing that day too, aboard the Spirit of Massachusetts, part of the Ocean Classroom Fourndation. Check out my slideshow at Natural News: